CDS Possession

Illegal drugs are unfortunately everywhere and Red Bank is not immune to this issue. The town has its fair share of controlled dangerous substance (“CDS”) and all you have to do is sit in Red Bank Municipal Court on a Friday to learn just how common possession charges are in the municipality. Your observations probably would be even more persuasive once you realized that the court calendar does not include all charges involving drugs more serious than marijuana or any form of selling or distributing CDS. Those cases go directly to the county court system in Freehold NJ. If you were arrested for any form of drug offense, our Red Bank Criminal Firm has the qualifications you are looking for in a defense attorney. We are former prosecutors in the county, have been practicing in the town for almost twenty years, and have a long history of success defending possession and distribution violations. Attorneys from our firm are accessible 24/7 to assist you and your initial consultation is free.

Red Bank Drug & Marijuana Possession Charges

Most possession cases arise out of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10. Possessing any type of CDS other than 50 grams or less of marijuana, which would be a disorderly persons offense, is a third degree crime. This would include drugs like heroin and cocaine. More exotic forms of CDS, such as MDMA, LSD, and methamphetamine, are also typically third degree crimes although the related offense arises out of a statute other than N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10. A disorderly persons offense for possession of marijuana results in up to 6 months in jail, a $1,000 fine, and a mandatory license suspension of at least 6 months. Third degree possession charges are more serious and represent a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison, a $35,000 fine, and the same mandatory driver’s license suspension. If you are facing any form of drug possession violation in Red Bank, it clearly is in your best interests to hire an attorney.

Selling or Distributing CDS/Drugs in Red Bank NJ

Distributing anything beyond a small quantity of marijuana is a third degree crime. When the quantity being sold or possessed with intent to distribute are more than a small amount, the grade of drug distribution can escalate to a second degree crime and even to a first degree crime. In addition, if your Red Bank distribution charge was in a school zone or public park zone, you face enhanced penalties under NJ Law. Most of the time this means mandatory period of parole ineligibility (a.k.a. minimum term of incarceration) and applies whether the CDS involved is marijuana or more serious street drugs like heroin.

Drug Charge Lawyers, Red Bank NJ

If you find yourself faced with a charge for possession or even distribution of drugs, we can help you. Our defense firm is not only the largest in Monmouth County but also located in the very town in which you are charged — Red Bank. We have decades of experience working cases like yours and are prepared to come to your assistance. Call us anytime 24/7 for immediately assistance.